Take Action Against Workplace Violence
April 2015
On April 30, UNAC/UHCP members met with representatives from a federal agency from Washington, DC to talk about workplace violence.
As you know, workplace violence is widespread within the health care industry, with nearly 50% of UNAC/UHCP members who responded to a member survey indicating they experience it in a given year.
UNAC/UHCP members have been busy in the last year, testifying at hearings at Cal/OSHA in an effort to improve draft regulations the agency is in the process of developing.
Today's meetings allowed UNAC/UHCP members to continue their advocacy on behalf of workplace violence prevention standards.
While our efforts will continue, there are many ways to get involved in this work.
1. Sign the petition calling for immediate action on workplace violence in hospitals: https://www.change.org/p/california-division-of-occupational-safety-and-health-help-stop-violent-attacks-on-health-care-workers
2. Email wpv@unacuhcp.org if you are interested in speaking out on behalf of UNAC/UHCP on this issue. UNAC/UHCP members have testified at hearings, participated in meetings with government agencies, and spoken to the media about their experiences.
3. Take the UNAC/UHCP workplace violence survey if you have not already: unacuhcp.org/wpvsurvey