
Staff Educator RNs Successfully Join UNAC/UHCP

February 2013

On February 14th approximately 100 Kaiser Permanente Staff Educator RNs joined UNAC/UHCP through the Partnership organizing card check process. Kaiser has agreed to “accrete” the Staff Educator RNs into the existing Specialty Care Nurses of Southern California (SCNSC) bargaining unit, and its 2012-2015 contract.

Several issues particular to the Staff Educator role, however, will be negotiated as a supplement to the SCNSC agreement. To accomplish this work, the Staff Educators will elect a negotiating team.

If you are a KP Staff Educator and would like to participate in these negotiations, you can sign up here to be placed on the Negotiating Team ballot. All nominations must be received by UNAC/UHCP no later than close of business Friday, March 1st.

Click here for the Welcome letter to Staff Educators from UNAC/UHCP. Download and print to share with co-workers.