
SPNN Contract Ratified

June 2014

On Saturday, June 14, 2014 Sharp Professional Nurses Network (SPNN) members voted on and ratified a two year agreement with Sharp Healthcare.

The new two year agreement takes effect October 1, 2014 and expires on September 30, 2016.

The agreement guarantees:

  • No takeaways to our current agreement terms and condition.
  • Effective 9/28/14, all full-time and part-time Clinical Nurses and Advanced Clinicians will receive a 3% wage increase
  • Effective 9/27/2015, all full-time and part-time Clinical Nurses and Advanced Clinicians will receive a 3% wage increase
  • All Per Diems will receive a similar 3% wage increase, per the schedule below:

SPNN Per Diems

Download a leaflet with this information to print and share with coworkers.