
SPNN Candidate Biographies

November 2013

Officer Candidate Biographies


Isa Contreras, RN

For SPNN Vice President

IsaContrerasMy name is Isa Contreras. I work at Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women and Newborns on the Perinatal Special Care Unit and I serve as a SPNN officer as Chairperson for this facility. As Chair I have participated with the local Mary Birch RN Advisory Committee, as a nurse representative for SPNN in meetings with management and with the SPNN Executive Committee for the past few years. I am a twenty year Sharp employee. I love where I work. I love what I do. I want to be our next SPNN Vice President.

My entire nursing career has been at SMB taking care of the high risk antepartum population. I often serve as charge nurse and preceptor on our unit. I worked nearly fifteen years on night shift and was an Advanced Clinician for ten years. I delivered both my own children at MB. I truly love where I work. Much of what I love about working for Sharp has been provided for us by our union contract. Being a nurse is being an advocate for our patients, to stand up when we question the plan of care. I believe this is very important, not only for our patients but for our fellow nurses. With the support of my loving husband of 20 years I will continue advocating for nurses through union activities.

I look forward to our upcoming contract negotiations. I want our collective voice to be heard. I will continue to represent nurses and assure the contract is followed. I stand up for our nurses. I believe in strength in numbers and doing the right thing.

I plan to continue my nursing career at Sharp and with Sharp Professional Nurses Network as the next Vice President.

Please contact me: vote4Isa.Contreras@gmail.com


Tiashira Gadlin, RN

For SPNN President

TiashiraGadlinPlease vote for Tiashira Gadlin for SPNN President

My background:

1. RN since 2003

2. Employed at Grossmont Hospital on the medical oncology unit for 9 years. I am an advanced clinician and frequently serve as Charge Nurse.

3. I also am the co chair of the Night Hospital Wide Unit Practice Counsel.

4. I'm Grossmont Union Chairperson and head the RNAC at this facility. I am constantly humbled by the trust members have placed in me.

5. During the last SPNN contract negotiations I worked with UNAC/UHCP organizers doing rounds at Sharp Grossmont and Sharp Chula Vista hospitals; I enjoyed meeting members and hearing their concerns and helping them with issues.

6. I serve as one of SPNN's delegates to the San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council. Participating in CLC events has made me very proud to be a union member.

7. I also was honored to accept an invitation to serve on the UNAC/UHCP Grievance Committee.


Dear SPNN Colleagues,

While the fight for justice is what drew me to become active in our union, it is the fight for SPNN's future that makes me to seek the office of SPNN President, now.

I am committed to maintaining SPNN as a strong, successful affiliate.

And, I am committed to recruiting you to help me and the rest of the SPNN Executive Committee, determine the best course for our union.

I respectfully request your vote and your help.

In Solidarity,

Tiashira Gadlin


Christina Magnusen, RN

For SPNN President

ChristinaMagnusenMy name is Christina Magnusen. I am your current President of the Sharp Professional Nurses Network (SPNN). I'm asking for your vote in the upcoming election for SPNN President. I earned my BSN from University of Alaska, Anchorage and have my BA in Journalism and Liberal Studies from Seattle University. I began my Sharp career at Memorial working in the Trauma unit in 2008 and currently work in the Grossmont SICU. In addition I was elected by RNs to serve as co-chair of Grossmont's RN Advisory Committee. I've been an active member of SPNN since the day I started with Sharp and am SPNN's elected delegate to the UNAC Executive Council where this year UNAC committed to raise our number of staff representatives from two to three.

I believe that when nurses stand together and get involved it affords us a voice and gives us a seat at the table where working conditions and patient care standards are set. Toward that end since I have been president, we have implemented two Quality Liaison positions in an effort to keep our members better informed and are working to expand that position to six.

I'm committed to making sure you have the best representation possible and opportunities to be involved. Solidarity allows us to determine our worth, what we will stand for. I'm proud to represent SPNN nurses. In me you can count on a strong advocate for patient care, winning a fair contract in 2014, and building an effective union that represents everyone. My father was a longshoreman in Alaska and President of his union. I was raised union, it's in my blood. Patients count on us to be their advocates, it's my honor to be yours.

For more information please contact me at Vote4Christina.Magnusen@gmail.com


Note: This web page is posted on behalf of candidate(s) for affiliate officer positions, who are solely responsible for its content. The views and/or opinions expressed in this web page are those of the candidate(s). UNAC/UHCP does not endorse or otherwise support any candidate for union office. UNAC/UHCP does not review, control, or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, or completeness of information contained on this web page. All candidates for affiliate office have been given the option to submit a biography and photo for posting on our website.