
SPNN Bargaining Update #16

November 2016

Dear SPNN colleague,

Your SPNN bargaining team met with Sharp management on Sunday afternoon for roughly five hours. Joe Mansolillo, the Federal mediator, facilitated the meeting. Yesterday’s session is the first of a series of meetings that will occur this week in an attempt to reach a tentative contract that would be acceptable to you. This is also the first meeting during this round of negotiations where only the bargaining teams participated, with no members present. My preference is to have open bargaining sessions where all members have the opportunity to attend, observe and participate in the proceedings. However, given the gravity of the situation, and at the behest of the Federal mediator, I decided this week’s meetings would be limited to the bargaining team only. I can assure you that your team is very well aware of the bargaining priorities you have set for any final agreement and we will work diligently to achieve your priorities. That said, no progress was made on Sunday toward reaching an overall settlement. We will keep you updated after each session.

In solidarity,

Bill Rouse
Chief Negotiator
UNAC/UHCP Executive Director

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