
SPNN Bargaining: Tentative Agreement Reached

December 2016

Sharp Professional Nurses Network

December 2, 2016



We are pleased to announce that late this afternoon we reached a tentative agreement on a new three-year contract for SPNN.

Member action won this agreement. Thank you for being so engaged and involved. Throughout the negotiations hundreds of members attended bargaining sessions. Hundreds attended our Real Sharp Experience rally at the convention center and engaged in many other collective actions. We held a landslide strike authorization vote and thousands of us committed to do whatever it took to protect our patients and our future. Ultimately our tentative agreement is a direct result of our collective power.

The bargaining team will share complete details of the agreement with members at a series of ratification meetings beginning Monday, December 5 and running through Thursday, December 8. Meeting times and locations are listed below.

Your bargaining team recommends that members vote yes to ratify the agreement.

Members will have a chance to discuss the agreement with the bargaining team and the chief negotiator at the meetings, then vote to ratify.

The votes will be counted at noon on Thursday, December 8 and the result announced when the count is complete. The count is expected to take less than an hour.