Sharp RNs Rally for Our Patients!
October 2016
Sharp HealthCare RNs were up early Thursday morning, making sure San Diego knows why retention and recruitment of experienced nurses is critical for quality patient care.
Thank you to all of our community supporters who came out to the rally, including Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez, NUHHCE President Henry Nicholas, fellow nurses from Kaiser San Diego, union brothers and sisters from UFCW 135, and San Diego members of the Interfaith Center for Worker Justice.
We are a group of committed RNs who want to let the San Diego public know that we are dedicated to making Sharp the best care in the area, but we need hospital management's help for that to happen.
Specifically, in order to continue to provide the real Sharp Experience, the RNs need management to listen when we say wages are $8-$15 less per hour than at other local hospitals. Over 500 RNs have decided to leave Sharp this year for greener pastures in the San Diego area.
Sharp Professional Nurses Network (SPNN) members are also looking for union security in order to have our input taken seriously when it comes to our patients. We are willing to do whatever it takes to keep our patients safe.
Thousands of nurses have been part of the 20 bargaining sessions over the course of negotiations for a new contract. We need management to listen to what we nurses are saying. What’s happening at SPNN right now is historic. By the thousands, Sharp RNs have taken action to fight for our patients.
We are committed to patient care and we won't be silenced.
Join us on October 14, 2016 for our next bargaining session.
Handlery Hotel
950 Hotel Cir N
San Diego, CA 92108
October 14; 10 am-4 pm