SFRNA News: Bargaining Team Elected and More
February 2014
Our co-workers have stepped up and we cast our votes! Congratulations to our SFRNA elected Bargaining Team members:
Rosa Carcamo, ER
Ana Bergeron, Interventional Angio Services
Margo Chavez, ICU
Miriam Pinawin, NICU
Alternate/first runner up: Brenda Gomez, 7th floor
Our elected team members will join the SFRNA officers, Sandi Marques, Scott Byington, Marlene Castanon and Edwin Guardado to complete our bargaining team.
Our Bargaining Team Needs to Hear From You
Bargaining surveys will be emailed to SFRNA members on 3-6-14. There will also be an online version. Start thinking about what you want in a new contract! Please follow the instructions provided to complete the survey. The survey period will close on 3-17-14. Your input is vital.
Daughters of Charity News
SFRNA and UNAC/UHCP representatives met SFMC/DOCHS on 2-18-14 to discuss the March 1, 2014 blended rate wage grid issue. SFMC/DOCHS legal counsel committed to providing us a response on 2-27-14. We will continue to push for a fair resolution.
SFMC/DOCHS have not responded to UNAC/UHCP/SFRNA's request for a contract extension to carry us past the possible sale of the hospital. We will keep you updated.