
SFRNA Education Reimbursement Settlement

December 2015

SFRNA leadership is pleased to announce that a settlement agreement has been reached between UNAC/UHCP-SFRNA and SFMC management on the education reimbursement issue (Grievance #SM13-15, SM14-15, and SM15-15). The settlement agreement is favorable for SFRNA RNs, results in no out of pocket repayments of overpayments, and limits credits into future years. In summary:

  1. No SFRNA RN will incur any out of pocket repayment for overpayment of education reimbursement that may have been received.
  2. If a SFRNA RN exceeded $3,000 education reimbursement between July 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014, the exceeded amount up to a maximum of $1,250 will be deducted from their 2015 education reimbursement allotment.
  3. If a SFRNA RN exceeded $3,000 education reimbursement in 2015, the exceeded amount up to a maximum of $1,250 will be deducted from their 2016 education reimbursement allotment.
  4. SFRNA RNs must resubmit documentation for their 2015 education reimbursement.
  5. SFRNA RNs have until Monday, February 1, 2016 (one time extension) to submit for 2015 education reimbursement.

Please remember to obtain a date stamped copy of your education reimbursement submission for your records. If there is an issue with your submission, SFRNA officers will need the date stamped copy to assist you. Please indicate on the form that the education reimbursement is for 2015.

The settlement agreement will be available at the next SFRNA meeting:

SFRNA General Membership Meeting
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Times: 0700-1200 & 1500-1730
Location: Room 1155 

Please contact a SFRNA officer with any questions.