
Retiree Organizing Committee Report–Next Steps

April 2012

Your UNAC/UHCP retiree organizing committee (Ann Foster, Brenda Jordan, Donna Knoch, Christine Lakowski, Sonia Moseley, Frances Powell, Marie Scheet, Amy Teufert, and Fred Tinamisan) met again on February 9th in San Dimas. Reviewing our latest organizing efforts, the committee found the results very encouraging. We have more than 200 members and are still growing every day. Committee members will follow up with those retirees who received our last mailing to answer questions and encourage them to join.

At the next organizing committee meeting, we will meet with the national director of our retiree organization, Steve Regenstreif, to begin drafting our constitution. The constitution will be presented to our membership at the founding convention for review and ratification. We will also elect officers, pass resolutions, begin creating our structure and define the work ahead. The founding convention will be held in late summer and all UNAC/UHCP retiree members will receive an invitation to attend.

Ken Deitz, UNAC/UHCP president, stopped by and discussed the upcoming bargaining at Kaiser Permanente. Obviously, the retirees were very interested in preserving their retirement benefits, and President Deitz was very clear that the union would fight and efforts to cut them and encouraged retirees to get involved in this round of bargaining. One of the best ways to stay involved is to stay informed. And the best way to stay informed is to make sure we have your email address. So if you didn't provide us with your email when you joined or have a new email address, please call the office at (909) 618-0657.