Rep. Loretta Sanchez Urges UNAC/UHCP Garden Grove Registered Nurses Association to Stand Strong in Negotiations
August 2010
This morning, U.S. Representative Loretta Sanchez (D-CA) personally delivered a message to the Garden Grove Nurses Association as they begin contract negotiations: “We are with you.”
Rep. Sanchez spoke to officers in the nurses association as they head into potentially difficult negotiations with Prime Healthcare next week. The Garden Grove Nurses Association (GGNA) is an affiliate of United Nurses Associations of California/Union of Health Care Professionals (UNAC/UHCP), who will lead the GGNA team in negotiations. Barbara Blake, RN, UNAC/UHCP State Secretary, told attendees at a morning unity breakfast, “We are going to need your help. We anticipate concessionary bargaining in this negotiation. We are asking you, the community, to stand with us to achieve a contract that continues to provide a high quality work environment for the nurses who are providing high quality care to patients in Garden Grove. We’ll be there for you when you need it. We hope we can count on you now.”
Betty Pugh, RN, a liaison for the Garden Grove Nurses Association, commented on the negotiations by simply saying, “We have a big job in front of us.”
Rep. Sanchez, who represents portions of Garden Grove, explained that Garden Grove Hospital’s transformation from a non-profit institution to a for-profit entity has put pressure on other hospitals in the area. She identified the hospital as “an important part of this community,” and noted the Garden Grove nurses are facing more pressure than ever to work hard and care for more patients. Rep. Sanchez concluded her remarks by thanking the nurses and reminding them, “we are going to stand behind you.”