
Reminder: Fill Out Your Bargaining Survey

October 2012

Thanks to the hundreds of Fountain Valley members who have already filled out Bargaining Surveys. FVPA members from every unit have submitted surveys so far, and each survey will be read and tabulated to determine priorities. The Union Bargaining Team thanks each of you for taking your time and making a commitment to helping us win a fair contract. Thank you!

If you have not yet filled out a Bargaining Survey, please do so now. You can fill one out online, right here.

You should also have received a survey in the mail. If you prefer to fill it out that way, please take a few minutes to complete the survey and return it to a CAT member, Bargaining Team member, or Minerva.

The quickest way to fill out a Bargaining Survey: click here now.

Speak up through your Bargaining Survey! We want to know what you think.