

April 2016

How do you more than quadruple $215, and turn it into $900?

Collective action.

We were all shocked when Kaiser announced we would not receive a Performance Sharing Program (PSP) payout this year, and again when they announced a $215 payment in lieu of PSP.

We were shocked because it wasn’t fair.

Sure, by contract the PSP is not automatic. Performance and financial goals must be met. We more than met our performance goals. But Kaiser did not meet its financial goals.

Still, we know that overall Kaiser had a successful year and membership grew. And we know how much we contributed to their success. We know that their high patient satisfaction, high quality care rankings and cost savings aren’t possible without us.

So we took collective action. We signed petitions. We wore stickers. We marched on Kaiser Southern California headquarters. We shared our stories of how we contributed. Thank you to all UNAC/UHCP members who stepped up.

And even though Kaiser had no contractual obligation to give us even $215, we won a dramatic increase in that amount—up to a $900 payment.

CLICK HERE for a letter from the Coalition with payment details.

This experience points out problems in how the PSP is calculated, which we have begun to address along with our Coalition partners in order to help prevent this same problem in future years.

In the meantime, this is an accomplishment of which we can be proud. We expect the payment to be included in the April 29 paycheck.

In solidarity,

Denise Duncan               Charmaine Morales               Jettie Deden-Castillo
President                          Secretary                                 Treasurer