
Proposed “Temporary Waiver” in Budget Would Waive Staffing Ratios During Meal Breaks

June 2012

Message about UNAC/UHCP's efforts to stop the "emergency" nurse-to-patient ratio waiver from Barbara Blake, RN, UNAC/UHCP Secretary-Treasurer:

On Monday evening I was informed of a proposal that was being considered for inclusion in the budget negotiations in the California State Legislation.

The proposed language would have allowed hospitals to waive the staffing ratios on all units during meals and breaks. The proposal was allegedly a " temporary waiver." I immediately called the UNAC/UHCP, AFSCME legislative team together to develop the plan to actively oppose the language and to inform the legislators that UNAC/UHCP, AFSCME would never support anything that would threaten the staffing ratios that California Registered Nurses worked so hard to achieve and the patients deserve.

The UNAC/UHCP team immediately reached out to the appropriate legislators to inform them the language was bad for patients, bad for nurses and must be stopped.

At 5 p.m. today the executive board of the California State Federation of Labor voted to oppose the language. We will continue to inform the legislators that they must oppose the language.

--Barbara Blake, RN
UNAC/UHCP State Secretary/Treasurer

Click here to read UNAC/UHCP's letter of opposition to the proposed language.

Look for updates as they become available on our website.