
Propose a Constitutional Amendment

June 2012

Constitutional amendments must be submitted by July 20, 2012. Article XIV explains how:

Section 1401 – Proposed Amendments to the UNAC/UHCP Constitution may be submitted to the State Convention by request of the Executive Council, the Board of Directors, Resolutions Committee, or an Affiliate. All Amendments introduced by an Affiliate shall bear the signatures of at least two elected officers of the Affiliate certifying that the Amendment was approved for submission to the Convention by the policy making body or membership of the Affiliate.

Section 1402 – Proposed Amendments to the UNAC/UHCP Constitution may be submitted to the State Convention by a signed petition of 25% of the members of any Affiliate in good standing.

Section 1403 – If a proposed Amendment is to be submitted to the State Convention, it must reach the office of the State Secretary at least 90 days prior to the convening of the Convention and must be sent by the State Secretary to the Affiliates at least 60 days before the Convention.