
Progress Made, More Work Ahead for PRNA Negotiations

April 2014

Bargaining Update: April 11, 2014

With our PRNA contract set to expire on April 29, 2014, our Bargaining Team offered a 30-day contract extension in good faith, but management turned it down.

What does this mean for Parkview RNs?

Management cannot make changes to mandatory subjects of bargaining—wages, hours and working conditions. So basically, nothing major changes.

We did make progress this week at the Bargaining Table.

On Thursday we reached mutual understanding on Article 7, Grievance and Arbitration, Article 11, Job Posting and Filling of Vacancies and Article 15, Leaves of Absence.

But there is still WORK to do.

We still must fight for our patients and ourselves against management’s remaining proposals on patient care, corrective action, hours of work and overtime. We’ll tell you more about these issues over the next few weeks.

Plan to join us again for Bargaining on April 29 and May 2.

On May 2 we plan to submit our wage and benefits proposals!

April 29 and May 2 | 11 AM
Founders Center Boardroom
Witness the Debate About the Value of Parkview RNs!