
PRNA Upcoming Wage Increases

September 2015

PRNA Registered Nurses

We fought hard during negotiations to win improved wages, benefits, and working conditions for Parkview Registered Nurses. See below for details regarding your upcoming wage increases.

Article 1302 Year 2 states (contract page 32):

Effective the first full pay period following September 1, 2015, all full time and part time bargaining unit Registered Nurses will receive an across-the-board (ATB) increase of 2.5% to his/her then current base hourly rate of pay.

Appendix A states (contract pages 55-56):

Effective the first full pay period following September 1, 2015, the Per Diem rate shall be $43.43 per hour.

Effective the first full pay period following September 1, 2015, the full time non-benefitted (FTNB) rate shall be $48.56 per hour.

Effective the first full pay period following September 1, 2015, the Weekender Registered Nurse rate shall be $46.36 per hour.

**The first full pay period following September 1, 2015 is September 6 – September 12, 2015, which means your check on September 17 should reflect your raise!

If you do not receive your wage increase or if you have questions about the contract, please contact a PRNA Officer or Representative for assistance.


CLICK HERE for a PDF version of this announcement.