
President’s Message – July 2011

July 2011

Ken Deitz, President

Dear member,

While many of you know that UNAC/UHCP is there to fight by your side when there is a problem, you may not know the mission and values that drive this organization. Our guiding principles are grounded in the advancement of our members. They are listed below.

The mission of the United Nurses Associations of California/Union of Health Care Professionals (UNAC/UHCP) is to empower health care professionals to be advocates for UNAC/UHCP members and patients: to create a high quality work environment; to provide economic and professional advancement; and to improve the quality of healthcare.

The values that guide the work of UNAC/UHCP are: health care professionals representing health care professionals, guided by transparent, accessible, democratic governance; advocacy for quality care; and the empowerment of our members.

Through our unique structure, we are able to live up to these ideals and represent every single member, regardless of issue, with vigor and professionalism. UNAC/UHCP is member driven, and even though we have a formal structure, every member can still call me personally. UNAC/UHCP revolves around our affiliates. Each facility elects its own leadership, and those local officers have local representatives they work with to make sure each member gets the attention he or she needs. Each affiliate has a representative on our Executive Council that meets every other month to manage union affairs. With over 20,000 members, this is the best way we've found to make sure we always hear your voice. We know that despite our size, each person we represent has unique needs.

I'm proud to say after 39 years, UNAC/UHCP remains health care professionals representing health care professionals. I hope you'll read our guiding principles closely, and let me know if you have any feedback.

In Solidarity,

Ken Deitz, RN

Previous Messages

President’s Message – Fall 2015 Oct 2015
President’s Message – July 2015 Jul 2015
President’s Message – May 2015 May 2015
President’s Message – March 2015 Mar 2015
President’s Message – January 2015 Jan 2015
President’s Message – November 2014 Nov 2014
President’s Message – September 2014 Sep 2014
President’s Message – July 2014 Jul 2014
President’s Message – May 2014 May 2014
President’s Message – March 2014 Mar 2014
President’s Message – January 2014 Feb 2014
President’s Message – July 2013 Jul 2013
President’s Message – May 2013 Jun 2013
President’s Message – March 2013 Mar 2013
President’s Message – January 2013 Jan 2013
President’s Message – November 2012 Nov 2012
President’s Message – September 2012 Oct 2012
President’s Message – July 2012 Aug 2012
President’s Message – June 2012 Jun 2012
President’s Message – March 2012 Mar 2012
President’s Message – January 2012 Jan 2012
President’s Message – October 2011 Oct 2011
President’s Message – June 2011 Jun 2011
President’s Message – April 2011 Apr 2011
President’s Message – February 2011 Feb 2011
President’s Message – December 2010 Dec 2010
President’s Message – September 2010 Sep 2010
President’s Message – July 2010 Jul 2010
President’s Message – March 2010 Mar 2010
President’s Message – January 2010 Jan 2010
President’s Message – November 2009 Nov 2009
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Kathy J. Sackman | Make a Difference Video Aug 2009