
President Denise Duncan Op-Ed: The ACA is Still Under Attack

October 2017

While the repeal efforts aimed at the Affordable Care Act (A.C.A.), or ObamaCare, are over for now, efforts to destabilize the landmark health care law are ongoing. We need to stay focused on the attacks on health care that threaten access to care.

In many areas, health plans have used uncertainty over A.C.A. to pull services from exchanges or drastically increase rates. The health care markets are under fire right now from several different attacks on the Affordable Care Act leveled by the executive branch. Indeed, the President and the Executive branch have made it clear that they would like ObamaCare to implode, to complete the destruction of the A.C.A. Continuing efforts to undermine the A.C.A. though the administrative process are destabilizing the A.C.A. more than what we can see.

Read the rest on the California Labor Federation's website, here.