Pharmacists Negotiations Survey Overview: How We Feel About Our Jobs
April 2015
Dear Professional Colleague,
Your response to the on-line negotiations survey was great—780 pharmacists completed it. For obvious reasons, we cannot share the detailed results of the survey, but each negotiations team member has a copy and is willing to share the results in-person. Overall the survey showed: a strong desire to have the defined benefit pension restored and to protect or minimize changes to the retiree medical benefit; serious concerns of job security and outsourcing; stresses over workload; the need for wage increases; protecting part-time pharmacists by guaranteeing 0.5 FTE status; and the need to address a mix of seniority issues.
I would like to share the results of how survey respondents feel about working at KP. Pharmacists completing the survey are relatively satisfied with their coworkers, their wages, their relationship with their manager, and their current work schedule. Overall, satisfaction with workload and benefits is poor; the high dissatisfaction with benefits seems to be primarily driven by the pension freeze and the uncertainty of future retiree medical benefits. And survey respondents are also relatively dissatisfied with getting recognition and balancing work and family life. We will use these results to help guide our work as we move through negotiations over the next several months.
Thank you for your continued support and participation.
In solidarity,
Bill Rouse
Chief Negotiator