
Parkview Management Takes Aim at Patient Care

March 2014

RNs No Longer Family - Now We're Just Guests!

Bargaining Update: March 21, 2014

We had great member attendance at bargaining today! Around 35 Parkview RNs showed up to support our team and hear management’s proposals.

And what did management do? Insulted them! By calling them, “Guests.”

They called us “family” when they tried to keep our hospital colleagues from forming a union like ours. Now that we’re sitting across the bargaining table we’ve been downgraded to “guests.”

We have news for management: It’s our right to attend bargaining. We come on our own time, our breaks and days off, and Parkview is our hospital too!

Takeaways Proposed

Management wants to take us back to 2008 by proposing changes to floating that risk the hard-won improvements we’ve made to patient care since winning our first contract.

Here’s what CEO Popkin’s proposals say about floating.

"Floating is a small issue."
"Charge Nurses should float out of their unit."
"No floating exceptions for loyalty of 25 years."
"We want maximum flexibility."

It’s clear that management doesn’t understand the challenges we face at the bedside and how their proposals would hurt patient care. See their proposals here. (Management's proposes contract changes are in red.)

Show Them We Belong! We're Not Just "Guests!"
Attend Bargaining on March 27!
Sticker Up & Wear UNAC/UHCP Scrubs!