
Parkview Bargaining Update: June 14, 2011

June 2011


After a four week break in negotiations, our team here at Parkview is disappointed management came to the table today with only ONE counter proposal to the seven they owe us.

After our team made it clear to management we are expecting responses to all remaining wage and benefit proposals, management promised to present a comprehensive response on Friday morning at 9:00 AM.

Now is the time to show management we are unified in our effort and committed to improved wages, benefits and working conditions in our new contract.

We are at a critical point in our negotiations and need every RN to step up and support our bargaining team in their quest to negotiate our long awaited wage increases.

Come share in the excitement of seeing management's response to our newly proposed wage grid. Take part in creating your future!!

Contact your bargaining team for more information.

Bargaining scheduled for tomorrow is cancelled but Friday is the big day. Watch for your union representatives in the facility on Thursday for more information. Friday is UNAC/UHCP scrub day. Wear your UNAC/UHCP scrubs to show your support for our bargaining team!!


In solidarity,
Your PRNA Negotiation Team