Board of Directors

Teresa Alcala, RN
“I cannot stress enough the value of being unionized because it guarantees a voice in the workplace. More than that, for me personally, my union is my family. When I went through a family tragedy, it was my union brothers and sisters who helped my family through the difficult time. Because of the union, I’m okay, my kids and husband are okay, and I’m more grateful than ever for a job I love and the union that makes that possible. Being a union leader means fighting for every member as if she or he was your family member.”

Jacqueline Asfall, RN
“Nothing is ever accomplished without commitment, perseverance and hard work. UNAC/UHCP has always been at the forefront of building a better workplace for our registered nurses and other health care professionals and providing better quality health care for our patients. I’m honored and committed to moving UNAC/UHCP forward in these ever changing times.”

Pam Brodersen, NP
“I feel fortunate to be in a position to represent registered nurses and other health care professionals. I believe every health care professional has a right to be represented and supported when questioned by management. I value UNAC/UHCP as my professional union. I have seen the value of our collective bargaining agreement over the years reflected in our rich benefits package and excellent wages. We have a Labor Management Partnership that gives us an extra voice in the workplace. I cannot imagine my career in nursing without UNAC/UHCP in the career picture!”

Wendy Burrell, RN
“I’ve heard it said that many contractual issues are actually social justice issues. One example is the classroom, where teachers, like my own daughter, teach our children. But the classroom is also a workplace, so the working conditions for teachers affect how our students learn. I think this is true of health care workplaces and our union as well. Contractual issues that impact the delivery room, where I work, can mean that my patients aren’t safe. What we do for these children as they come into this world can literally mean the difference between life and death. Never forget that speaking up for yourself means speaking up for our patients.”

Scott Byington, RN
“I value UNAC/UHCP as an organization because we do a great job of protecting and caring for both our patients and our members. That’s why I decided to become active in the good things UNAC/UHCP does and I continue to be an active participant. Activism in the field of health care is invaluable for fostering positive change for our patients and in the workplace.”

Gerard A. Corros, RN
“As labor, we face many challenges as we grow into the future. Collectively, we have to recognize that health care is evolving beyond just health care. We are entrusted to provide the best possible care and at the same time find the balance of ensuring that we are credited for our efforts. Our union is growing and the times are changing. Let’s go from dreaming to building UNAC/UHCP. We must draw from our power in being united as we move our UNAC/UHCP into the future! Let’s all get involved and move UNAC/UHCP into greatness!”

Robert Jones, RN
“While elected as “Rob for the Job”, now “Rob will do the Job”. I pledge to work hard and to help make UNAC/UHCP better and stronger. I promise to represent UNAC/UHCP with pride and in a responsible manner. I will engage in meaningful dialogue to ensure that the best decisions are made. I will listen and take all concerns and suggestions seriously. I will stand up to ensure UNAC/UHCP is the best it can be.”

Belinda Redding, RN
“John Quincy Adams once said “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” And as a member of UNAC/UHCP organization, I believe that every health care professional has a right to union representation. This organization that has allowed its members to have a voice in the workplace where there is no fear of retribution or retaliation. It has done an outstanding job of protecting and caring for both patients and members, UNAC/UHCP has set the benchmark in quality organizations by inspiring us to dream more, learn more and become more. This is why I am proud to be a member.”

Troy Seagondollar, RN
“I am asked repeatedly by numerous groups, committee members, and professional organizations why other unions are not respected the way UNAC/UHCP is; my response is simple: we are professionals with a primary cause and that cause is to put care of the patient before anything else. Anything that impedes our ability to do that will be addressed until it is made right. As your representative on the Board of Directors, I will continue to address your needs while assuring that our union remains strong. I will never forget that your job is to care for people and our job is to assure that you are able to do that.”