Nurses on Top in Ethics and Honesty—Again!
November 2008
For the seventh year in a row, nurses have come out on top in a respected poll of the public’s rating of ethics and honesty.
The prestigious Gallup poll, in conjunction with USA Today, asked the public to rate the honesty and ethical standards of people in different professions. An astounding 84 percent said nurses’ standards were “high” or “very high.” That’s more than any other of the 20 other professions pollsters asked about.
“Nurses have no peer in the Gallup rankings today,” says the official announcement from the polling organization. Other health professionals who rank high in the poll are pharmacists and doctors.
“The Gallup poll confirms the appreciation our members hear from their patients every day,” says Kathy J. Sackman, RN, UNAC/UHCP President. “People know that nurses and health care professionals not advocate for them at the bedside, but also in the public policy arena for safety, quality and health care reform.”
Click here to see the entire poll.