
Notice: MAPPS Scores For Advanced Practice

January 2013

Using MAPPS Scores For Advanced Practice Providers

General Overview

  • Member Appraisal of Physician and Provider Services
  • Scale: 1-10 for each question (10 being the highest)
  • Target: 30 returned surveys per provider for a valid score
  • Survey year: July 1st - June 30th
  • Reports: Posted on the PAMS website (http://pams.appl.kp.org/), updated monthly.

Utilizing MAPPS Scores as Part of Performance Appraisal for NPs and PAs

  • Valid MAPPS scores will be incorporated into performance evaluations. Scores based on less than a valid sample will not be documented in the evaluation or utilized for final evaluation rating.
  • A valid MAPPS score should be used only as one aspect of the care experience section of a performance appraisal.
  • Set a MAPPS performance standard of 9.00 for meets expectations and 9.32 and higher as exceeding expectations. The exceeding expectations target is based on the Regional average MAPPS score for Advanced Practice Providers for the last complete measurement period, 2011-2012, and readjusts at the end of each measurement period. These standards should remain consistent with the physicians' MAPPS performance standards and can be modified only with approval by UNAC/UHCP leadership.
  • If the NP/PA's MAPPS score is below 9.00, managers will document in the comments section of the performance appraisal "Clinician Patient Communication classes required. Facilitate attendance." Attendance in Clinician Patient Communication classes is required and the organization will pay for the attendance.
  • Preferably, Department Administrators should conduct performance appraisals between September and December each year to align with the reporting cycle of MAPPS data.
  • DAs should be encouraged to take opportunities throughout the year to provide ongoing feedback to NP/PAs.
  • Chiefs, Medical Directors, and Local MAPPS Coordinators have access to scores for both providers and physicians on the Performance Assessment Management Systems (PAMS).

If you have any questions, you may contact Hillary Leigh (8.335.6237), Stephen Bogdanov (8.335.3146) or Natalia Woolley (8.335.6016)