
December 2017 Voice Newsletter: More Attacks on the ACA

December 2017

This month's eVoice newsletter featured an article on the continuing attacks on the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

While Republicans in the Senate passed a tax bill early on the morning of November 26, the nation and UNAC/UHCP wait to see whether the repeal of the individual mandate in the Senate version of the bill makes it into the final bill that goes to the President for signature.

“A non-partisan analysis found eliminating the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate would increase health insurance premiums by 10% and add 13 million more uninsured. Under the Senate tax bill, millions of working families and young adults will not be able to afford to purchase health care on the individual market. As a nurse, I hate to think of the human toll of forgoing health insurance. Millions of Americans will suffer in pain and face a reduced quality of life due to this Republican tax bill.”

Read the rest of the statement from UNAC/UHCP President Denise Duncan, RN, here.

To read the rest of the December issue of the eVoice, please click here.