
Media Training

July 2012

On July 17th, SFRNA participated in the UNAC/UHCP media class delivered by the UNAC/UHCP Public Affairs team at SFMC. Diane Thomas (4th floor), Scott Byington (MAP), Jeff Cochran (ICU), Maria Rosas (4th floor), Marlene Castanon (ICU), Rosa Carmarco (ER), and Sandi Marques (cath lab/Angio) reviewed and learned new communication skills that will facilitate their ability to communicate with the different types of media and with SFRNA members.


UNAC/UHCP’s Jeff Rogers plays reporter as SFRNA’s Jeff Cochran gives a mock interview.

Maria Rosas is interviewed by UNAC/UHCP’s Christy McConville

Diane, Edwin, Maria, and Jeff enjoy a moment of laughter between simulated interviews.