
Legislative Update

January 2012

UNAC/UHCP Holds Candidate Forum for 2012 Elections

On December 10, 2011, UNAC/UHCP participated in the first of two LA candidate forums sponsored by AFSCME. The forums allow union members and leaders from all Los Angeles area AFSCME affiliates to ask candidates questions about issues that affect our lives to candidates seeking endorsements in the 2012 elections. UNAC/UHCP State Secretary Barbara Blake, RN, took a very active role in the forum, asking each candidate questions about staffing ratios, education, and their budget priorities. She also sought support for HR 2178, a bill on national staffing ratio guidelines, from sitting Members of Congress, and asked members of the California legislature to ensure that the California Board of Registered Nursing was restored as quickly as possible. All UNAC/UHCP members are invited to attend candidate forums in their local area. More information is available at UNACUHCP.org.

Health Care Reform: 2.5 Million Young Adults Now Covered Under New Law

The result of the Affordable Care Act provision allowing adults below age 26 to remain on parents’ health care plans is an astounding 2.5 million young adults now with health insurance. This piece of the health care reform, which went into effect last year, has been more than twice as successful as expected.

Join Us for Two Local Upcoming AFSCME Events

As a UNAC/UHCP member, you are part of a giant union family. UNAC/UHCP is affiliated with AFSCME, the American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees. We are connected with more than 1.3 million public sector and health care members of AFSCME, including 360,000 RNs and health care

The AFSCME PEOPLE Conference will be held in Sacramento on March 25-26, 2012.

The International AFSCME Convention will be June 18-22, 2012 in Los Angeles. The International Union, based in Washington, DC, coordinates the union’s actions on major national issues such as privatization, fair taxes and health care. Every two years, delegates to the International AFSCME Convention decide on the union’s basic policies.