
Lakewood RNs Win a Wage Grid

November 2013

After months of negotiations, on October 3rd, Lakewood Registered Nurses ratified a new contract. For the first time ever, Lakewood RNs won a new wage scale that recognizes years of RN seniority. Over the term of the contract, wage increases will range from 8.1% to 10.1% depending on current salary, new wage rate and RN seniority.

The LRNA Bargaining Team also won significant cost controls on health insurance without any cuts to benefits. In addition to other improvements in contract language, the LRNA Bargaining Team won improvements in seniority language in event of layoffs.

The ratification vote was overwhelming. This wasn’t surprising after record numbers of Lakewood RNs attended bargaining over the last five months.

RNs representing Chemo and Telemetry made presentations to management at the bargaining table. Members who attended were able to caucus with the Bargaining Team to discuss proposals and counter-proposals during the negotiations and thus give direct input into the progress of bargaining. Yet again, member unity and collective action proved decisive in winning a strong contract.