
KPMWON Candidate Biography

January 2014

Officer Candidate Biography

Nancy (Gomez) Rouse, CNM

Nancy (Gomez) Rouse, CNM

Nancy (Gomez) Rouse, CNM

First I want to thank you all for the opportunity you gave me to serve as your President for our new KPMWON affiliate over the past year. We had many challenges as a new affiliate. I believe the year was a success! We have had many opportunities to have our voices heard by our managers and our members. I believe our biggest challenge is the fact that our members are so geographically spread across Southern California. Getting together as a group has been difficult. For that reason, I suggested we have our officers meetings by conference call. That worked fairly well however we needed more face to face time. I lobbied to have our own private KPMWON steward training with the dates set in advance so that our schedules will allow attending. Our official individual steward training starts in January! I also pushed hard to have a staff representative who does the work we do. I am thrilled that UNAC listened and Linda Calderon, CNM will start working for the company as the KPMWON staff representative in 2014. Overall, it was a successful year however I feel that I have so much more to do. I would love to see more involvement from our WOCN members. We need more CNM participation also. We need regular affiliate meetings with those dates set far in advance to ensure good participation. Our managers need to hear our voices more regularly as we continue to strive for the best outcomes and patient satisfaction. I am requesting you vote for me to be re elected as your KPMWON president so that I can continue working toward the previous goals set and future needs. I sincerely thank all of you for trusting in me and electing me as your KPMWON President.