
KP Pharmacists: Join the Contract Action Team

April 2015

Now that we're about to begin negotiating our first UNAC/UHCP contract, we need to create a Contract Action Team.

What is a Contract Action Team?

Only a fraction of what takes place during contract negotiations happens at the table. What truly moves negotiations forward is what happens each day in the work place. Two-way communication between the negotiations team and the members needs to take place and members need to support the negotiations team by taking action at the work place. When the employer sees that the union is united in taking action, progress at the table becomes easier.

The Contract Action Team (CAT) is designed to create the two-way communication and unite coworkers together in worksite actions.

Sign up for the KP Pharmacists CAT here

What do CATs Do?

  • Collect member input on important issues for negotiations
  • Keep members updated on negotiations progress
  • Turn out members for meetings and actions to support the bargaining team

Sign up for the KP Pharmacists CAT here