
KOCPA Candidate Biographies

November 2013

Officer Candidate Biographies


Patrick Hordista, RNCH


For KOCPA Secretary

Patrick Hordista is an RN who works at the Kaiser Irvine Hospital Main OR. He received his Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from the University of San Carlos in Cebu, Philippines and eventually his Master of Science in Nursing with a focus in Education from Walden University in Minneapolis, Minnesota. An experienced nurse in his profession, he's worked in various areas of nursing ranging from med-surg, L & D, ER, nursing home, home health and finally, found his home in Perioperative Nursing. He currently holds a Charge Nurse Position and the Ophthalmology, Head and Neck Coordinator for the Irvine Facility. Since the hospital opened more than 5 years ago, Patrick has been a member of the Irvine Main OR UBT Representative Group representing more than 40 nurses in the department. In his free time, he likes to surf, snowboard and plays the piano and the bass guitar. He is also an avid runner who's finished marathons and an ultra marathon. He recently organized a run for 120 miles where he and hi fellow teammates raised funds for the victims of a devastating earthquake in Central Philippines. Patrick is happily married to a fellow nurse the past 15 years. She works at Kaiser Anaheim in the Pre-Post Op Department. They have 2 beautiful children aged 5 and 6.


Richard Fan, PA

For KOCPA Clinic President

Time for a Fresh Start!

RichardFanAbout Me

I've been a KOCPA PA for 16 years working in the clinics and emergency departments. I believe we need new elected officers that are transparent, accountable, motivated, and unafraid to stand up for what is right for the union members.

I have a proven track record of helping those in need, and live my life by this motto: "Action, not words."

  • Founder and medical director of 2 highly successful non-profit international medical missions, Project Angkor and Compassion International Relief Foundation.
  • I've deployed and led medical teams to 5 USA disasters as a medical officer for National Disaster Medical System, HHS and Homeland Security.
  • I'm an active volunteer UNAC steward for Kaiser Anaheim and have a reputation for self-initiative, the ability to get things done and consistent following through. My choice to be active and available to you allows me to participate in grievances and negotiations far beyond my own home department, giving me experience in defending our contract and dealing with managers.
  • As clinic president, I will be responsible for all RNs and advanced practitioners in the medical offices, urgent care, and 2 emergency departments. Throughout my 16 years with KP, I have worked in multiple clinic locations and departments throughout OC, and have a good understanding of the individual struggles that face each of us on a daily basis.


Note: This web page is posted on behalf of candidate(s) for affiliate officer positions, who are solely responsible for its content. The views and/or opinions expressed in this web page are those of the candidate(s). UNAC/UHCP does not endorse or otherwise support any candidate for union office. UNAC/UHCP does not review, control, or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, or completeness of information contained on this web page. All candidates for affiliate office have been given the option to submit a biography and photo for posting on our website.