
Kathy J. Sackman Announces Retirement

October 2010

Dear UNAC/UHCP Colleagues:

Last week I notified the Board of Directors and Executive Council that I will not be running for re-election as UNAC/UHCP President at the upcoming Convention. After decades of leading this Union, it is bittersweet to say goodbye. I have enjoyed every minute of my time leading this organization and so many of you have become as close as family.

I am fortunate to take with me so many great memories from the past 38 years. Starting in 1972 with a group of 40 Registered Nurses who shared a vision of Nurses representing Nurses, we’ve enjoyed many successes and gained strength through our struggles. Every moment I’ve spent working for you has been fun, even with the challenges.

I am so proud of how our Union has grown and matured. In the 1990s we expanded our organization to represent non-Nurse Medical Professionals, such as our Physician Assistants and Optometrists. We have grown from 40 members to more than 18,000 today. With this growth, we’ve built our Organizing, Public Affairs, and Political/Legislative capacity to better serve our Members’ needs. Our Affiliate Officers and activists continue to keep our Union strong and respected. I truly believe we have made a significant impact on the delivery of health care in Southern California, and greatly improved the working lives of our members.

None of this would have been possible without the Nurses and Medical Professionals who are the heart, soul, and backbone of UNAC/UHCP. Thank you for supporting me throughout the past years. I know that you will continue to stand with the Officers and staff who are carrying our Union’s work forward.

Thank you so much. You are the best.

Kathy J. Sackman, RN
United Nurses Associations of California/Union of Health Care Professionals (UNAC/UHCP)



Below is a response to Kathy's retirement announcement by Jan Platz, who served as UNAC's first President from 1972-1974.


I just received the notice that you're not going to run for re-election! Am surprised but then, not surprised when I think of the time/years that have gone by ever so fast! How true are your words that it's bittersweet to say goodbye.

It's bittersweet to be writing you under these circumstances. Your written words regarding the memories you have starting with that group of 40 nurses in 1972 reminded me of some memories, too. The small role I played in UNAC allows me to remember what a very special bond there was that enabled each of us AND the Organization to remain, maintain and to grow into what it has become: A dream that came true NOT just because of the members, but in huge part (as the old song goes), because of YOU......And yes, I will never forget your support in those early days. Yes, you've had some superb help along the way; Sonia for one and am sure you miss her. However Kathy, YOU did it!

I am sure the Organization will continue allbeit NOT the same. That special flavor will be gone but not forgotten. There's a saying: "The place will never be the same." I would rather say: The place will be the same; WE will not be the same.

I will not be able to attend the Convention. Kathy I wish you well always, continued success and as YOU choose, whatever future relationship with UNAC is there for you.

With special care, love and fondness,

Jan Platz, RN