
Kaiser Therapists Negotiations Update: August 15, 2013

August 2013

On Tuesday August 13

Your negotiating team spent the day together talking through the staffing concerns faced in the workplace. They developed several outpatient ortho templates to present to management as a starting point to begin the schedule/workload discussions. The team chose to look at outpatient ortho first because it represents the most common schedule utilized. Further work will need to be done to address other templates including home health, inpatient and specialty work.    Your chief negotiator Bill Rouse and negotiating team member Kraig Depriest (from home health) will be meeting with home health therapists this Sunday, August 18, to have further discussion around home health on staffing issues. If you are from home health and are interested in attending you can contact your organizer for further details:

Vanessa Caballero (Vanessa.Caballero@unacuhcp.org)

Jacque Bowman (Jacque.Bowman@unacuhcp.org)

You may also contact Kraig DePriest at kraigdep@sbcglobal.net.

On Wednesday August 14

We started an interest based discussion on workload and staffing. The bargaining team and management presented separate interests. There was a 3 hour discussion on the concerns, and both parties agreed to spend all of the next negotiation session on workload.

The next negotiation session will be August 22.

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