
Kaiser PSP Update

March 2016

On March 14, UNAC/UHCP Kaiser member activists took the PSP fight to Kaiser’s regional office in Pasadena, CA, accompanied by petitions signed by 8,000 of their coworkers.

At the action, outgoing Kaiser Southern California President Ben Chu, MD, promised the crowd of over 100 union members that a smaller meeting would be convened this week to determine a fair and meaningful bonus for Southern California workers who did not receive a PSP payout.

That meeting took place yesterday and unfortunately, we did not reach a consensus on a fair payout that recognizes our contributions to Kaiser’s success in Southern California last year. All parties involved agreed to meet again on Monday to find an equitable solution.

Now more than ever, we will continue to take action to show Kaiser this issue matters to us. We will be in touch soon to let you know the next steps in this fight.