Join Us for Bargaining: Questions and Answers
February 2012
All UNAC/UHCP members are strongly encouraged to attend National Negotiations to see first-hand how our issues and concerns are addressed as we negotiate our new contract.
Register to Attend Bargaining:
1. Sign up on line at or
2. Fill out the I’ll Be There registration card and turn it into your Affiliate Officers or UNAC/UHCP staff. Download the card here.
Questions and Answers:
Q: Will I get to be in the room during negotiations?
A: Yes, you will be in the room with the bargaining team as an observer. There will be various negotiations going on at the same time for you to observe.
Q: How much time do I spend in negotiations?
A: It’s your choice. You can sign up for Shift 1: 9am—noon; or Shift 2: 1—5pm; or both shifts.
Q: Where do I go exactly?
A: The online registration and I’ll Be There registration card have all the information regarding locations/times. See other side for further details.
Q: Do I get paid by Kaiser or the Union?
A: No. This is on your own time and it is your opportunity to ensure that we win a fair contract.
Q: Can I attend more than one session?
A: Yes! Sign up to be there as much as you can.
Q: Is UNAC/UHCP bargaining with other unions?
A: Yes! UNAC/UHCP is part of a coalition of 26 unions representing 96,000 Kaiser employees across the country. Members from all the other unions will be at negotiations as well.
Q: Can I come even if I don’t register?
A: No, you must register in advance.
Download Q&A leaflet with bargaining dates, times and locations.