Jimmy Gomez Headed To Congress
June 2017
Good news from Los Angeles! The votes have been counted, and former UNAC/UHCP Political Director Jimmy Gomez has been elected to Congress.
Many of us at UNAC/UHCP remember the impact Jimmy had on our organization. He pushed us to think in new ways and use our voices to advocate for both patients and for our professions.
In 2012, Jimmy put his money where his mouth was and ran for California State Assembly--and won. Suddenly, UNAC/UHCP's voice in Sacramento was the voice of the people in the 51st Assembly District.
We are so proud of the work Jimmy has done in Sacramento over the last four years, especially his work to make better the lives of our patients. While Jimmy now goes on to represent nearly 700,000 Californians in Washington, DC, we know he will always carry with him what he learned from our 28,000 nurses and other health care professionals.
Congratulations to Jimmy Gomez on his hard-fought and well-earned victory.
In unity,
Denise Duncan, RN
UNAC/UHCP President