Important Alerts for GGRNA Members
March 2011
Alert 1: YOUR CONTRACT HAS NOT EXPIRED! Contrary to recent statements from management, your GGRNA Collective Bargaining Agreement remains in full force and effect until a successor agreement is reached with Prime Healthcare. That means anything provided for in your 2007-2010 contract is still in place and will remain in place until we have negotiated and ratified a new contract. Do not be fooled by anyone telling you "Your contract is expired so it no longer applies."
Please refer anyone who has such a misunderstanding to page 46 of your GGRNA-UNAC/UHCP Collective Bargaining Agreement: Article 29, Paragraph 2902 (last sentence): "...Until such time as a Successor Agreement is ratified and executed, this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect..." Be sure to attend the GGRNA General Membership meeting scheduled for March 28 to hear the latest update on the progress of negotiations and plans for the BOI.
Alert 2: PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS! GGRNA members must remain ever vigilant to the misinterpretation of our Collective Bargaining Agreement by GGHMC management. We know other employees at Garden Grove Hospital are represented by another union and therefore are covered by a different Collective Bargaining Agreement. These contracts have some similarities but are not identical. This can be quite confusing for members and management alike. If you should have a question or need clarification please contact your GGRNA Officers, Bargaining Team or Staff Representative. No one knows your contract better than they do.
Alert 3: YOU HAVE A GREAT CONTRACT! Keep it STRONG by knowing your rights, knowing your contract and knowing how to enforce it! Get involved - ask your GGRNA Officers how.
* Watch for notice of your next Basic Labor Class coming on April 5, 2011 in the Plaza MOB. Free CEU's, free lunch, learn your rights and how to protect them!