
Send an Email to Ben Chu and Judy White

January 2013

Click here to send an email to Ben Chu and Judy White.

Last month, more than 1,800 UNAC/UHCP members came out rain or shine to stand up against Kaiser’s violation of our Union contract. Now, finally, after eight weeks of delay, Kaiser has provided our union with a seniority list so that we can begin to determine the correct process should any reductions be necessary.

However, Kaiser has still NOT agreed to honor our seniority, and we have a grievance on file, a request for dispute resolution with the National Coalition of Unions, and a charge filed against Kaiser with the federal government agency, the National Labor Relations Board.

While we did establish a process with Kaiser to begin placement of UNAC/UHCP members who are affected by reduction in force, we are at the same time, continuing to fight against how Kaiser implemented this reduction, and who should have been affected based on seniority.

We need your help, again. Our success over the last year was based on our collective solidarity and action. We would not have won our contract without the strong unified support and participation of our members.

We will win this battle too, with your support. First all, thank you to all those members who came out to the picket lines, it was a tremendous show of unity. Here’s what we are asking you to do now:

1. Send an email to Ben Chu, and Judy White: Tell them that Kaiser needs to honor our contract and honor our seniority. Kaiser’s top management needs to understand that UNAC/UHCP members consider an injury to one, an injury to all, and that we will fight to protect our rights and benefits. Click here to send an email to Ben Chu and Judy White.

2. Withdraw from participation in LMP activities that are not contractually required. In November, at the direction of our affiliate leaders, we advised Kaiser that we will not participate in LMP committees and activities until this issue is resolved. This includes UBTs and other committees that are not part of our contract. The only activities that we should continue to participate in are RNAC, Professional Practice Committee, and New Employee Orientation.

As always, thank you for your participation and support, together we have accomplished much, and together we will accomplish more in the future. Send your email now! Click here to send an email to Ben Chu and Judy White.