
Help the Hurricane Irma Recovery

September 2017

As you know, Hurricane Irma wreaked havoc on the people of Florida and its neighboring states last week— bringing destruction and flooding, leaving millions without power. Our AFSCME sisters and brothers need our help.

UNAC/UHCP has made a $10,000 donation to the AFSCME Fallen Heroes fund, which is collecting funds toward recovery efforts in Florida and Texas. As you know, UNAC/UHCP members are all AFSCME members as well, because AFSCME International is our parent union through our affiliation with NUHHCE.

Just as with Hurricane Harvey, these AFSCME members were on the front lines preparing for the storm and remained as it made landfall.

AFSCME member Lorraine Brown was there as Irma inched closer:

“We’ve been swamped with all kinds of calls and are just doing our best to get honest and accurate information out. It’ll be nonstop for days to come. We’re here to make sure people make the best choices with the best information at hand. I came in Saturday at 10 a.m. and am not leaving until Monday at the earliest. When possible, we just close our eyes and sleep a little at our desks. All of us would rather be on the phones helping people. We can sleep later."

If you'd like to make a donation to the AFSCME recovery fund for those impacted by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, please click here.

In unity,
Denise Duncan, RN
UNAC/UHCP President
AFSCME International Vice President

Charmaine Morales, RN
UNAC/UHCP Executive Vice President

Jettie Deden-Castillo, NP
UNAC/UHCP Treasurer

Elizabeth Hawkins, RN
UNAC/UHCP Secretary