
Giving Back: Camp Laurel – Sept/Oct’10 Voice

September 2010

UNAC Volunteer RNs Provide Care to Children with HIV/AIDS

Angela Granados, RN, at Camp Laurel Summer 2010

Angela Granados, RN, at Camp Laurel Summer 2010

Registered Nurses from UNAC/UHCP joined other health care professionals to provide medical care at Camp Laurel this summer. Camp Laurel is a program offered twice a year in Bear Valley for children living with or affected by HIV/AIDS. The volunteers provided medical services during the weeklong camp to all of the children and adults supporting the program.

“As an RN, I am committed to ensuring that all people who need health care have access to it,” said Lorraine Costello, RN and a UNAC/UHCP member. “It is very important to give back to the community by volunteering. I enjoy having the opportunity to contribute to the camping experience of these children in such a constructive way.” The Camp Laurel Foundation, a non-profit organization based in Pasadena, is still in need of medical volunteers who can provide health care to campers. UNAC/UHCP reached out to our members to find volunteers for this year’s summer camp program.

“While we provide educational and support programs to the children, youth and families we work with on a year round basis, our camps are designed to provide campers with a meaningful learning experience filled with friendship and fun in a safe environment,” stated Margot Anderson, President and Founder of Camp Laurel. “We are grateful for all of our volunteers and are always looking for more each camp session.” UNAC/UHCP volunteers Autumn Auston Kelly, RN, Lorraine Costello, RN, Angela Granados, RN  and Theresa Mulroy, RN, provided their health care expertise to support the camp’s ongoing efforts to bring joy to the lives of these children.