
Fountain Valley RNs & Professionals Protest Takeaways

May 2013

Thumbs-Down-20130521FVPA had two days of eventful bargaining this week:

Day One: An Insult to Fountain Valley RNs & Professionals

On Monday May 20 management presented a counter to the Union’s compensation proposal that was nothing less than insulting.

The main issues:


  • Year one: 2013: no retroactivity for wage increase; 2% across the board increase in base pay. Historically we have always received retroactivity.
  • Year two: 2014:  2% across the board increase: no guarantee that increase will be in Feb. 2014
  • Year three: 2015:  wage grid implemented; minimum increase 1.5% and maximum increase 2% to get on the grid. This proposal ensures that current RNs will not even reach the new wage grid.
  • Implement a wage freeze for 105 RNs and professionals who earn more than the top of the wage grid; in this case RNs/Professionals would get a 1% bonus based on annual salary.

This proposal means that employees will get an increase between 4% and 6% during the contract.

Shift differentials:

  • No increase during the life of the contract
  • No agreement to keep the shift differentials of those employees who were “grandfathered” at a higher rate.

Education Incentive:

  • Take away the 5% increase for RNs who receive a Bachelors Degree
  • Take away the 10% increase for RNs who receive a Masters Degree.
  • If you have already received a 5 or 10 percent for your degree, you’ll keep it, but no one in the future will get it. Instead, management proposed a onetime $1,000 bonus.
  • Take away the 5% increase for RNs/Professionals who receive National Certifications. If you have it now, you can keep it; but if you get your certification in the future, you will only get $400 onetime bonus.

Clinical Ladder:

  • Take away the guaranteed 5% increase when you move to Clin II position; and instead place RN onto new grid at RNII Level, without any guarantee that such placement will result in an increase. This would go into effect 2015.

The Union gave management a reasonable proposal that is consistent with the market rates. Its cost is reasonable given what the other areas hospitals pay and the cost of living.

This proposal is a direct hit on your wages and livelihood. Your bargaining team is in the fight to prevent any takeaways and to win a fair contract.

We need your help and support more than ever to win what we all deserve.

Day Two: RNs & Professionals Protest Takeaways

Fountain Valley nurses and professionals showed up by the dozens on Tuesday May 21 from all departments in response to management’s proposal of wage and compensation takeaways.

At 11 AM Tuesday our union Bargaining Team gave a counter-proposal that made it clear we will not agree to takeaways.

But at noon management proposed to increase our contribution to our medical plans by 18% each year. Our Bargaining Team presented a counter-proposal in the afternoon.

Thanks everyone who came this week, it really made a difference!

We need you to be there at negotiations as we continue this battle for our wages and benefits!

The next dates are: June 18, 19 and 20. Sign up here to attend.

Los Caballeros Sports and Racquet Club
17272 Newhope Street
Fountain Valley, CA 92708

Anytime between 9 AM and 5 PM