
Floating Orange County PAs Get Their Due

October 2011

UNAC/UHCP continues to celebrate Physician Assistant Week with a recent victory for Kaiser Orthopedic PAs in Orange County.

At issue was whether Kaiser should compensate these hard working professionals an hourly float differential when they were floating to numerous Medical Office Buildings. Twelve Orange County Orthopedic PAs will receive a check as one of the terms of the settlement agreement reached through mediation.

Beyond Orange County, the agreement ensures that all Southern California region Advance Practice professionals, represented by UNAC/UHCP, who are already receiving the float differential will continue to receive it as long as they remain in their current float positions.

This victory would not have been possible without the dedication of the officers of the Kaiser Orange County Professional Association, former KOCPA Ambulatory President Kay Harris, and current Ambulatory President Corinne Hockensmith. Their work, along with UNAC/UHCP Staff Representative Tamara Yildiz and Assistant Director of Bargaining/Representation Suzanne Delaney, who represented UNAC/UHCP at the mediation and followed this case since inception, proved invaluable.

We salute the floating Orange County PAs, whose incredible dedication to top-quality patient care throughout the entire county has been recognized in this win.