
All Eyes on the Senate as Graham-Cassidy Under the Microscope

September 2017

As we near the close of the budget reconciliation timeline where Senate Republicans may attempt again to vote on an Affordable Care Act repeal bill, all eyes have turned to the Graham-Cassidy bill, the last ditch effort to find 50 votes for repeal.

UNAC/UHCP President Denise Duncan, RN, shared her thoughts on the latest repeal bill in the following statement.

The Graham-Cassidy bill is yet another incredibly shortsighted health care bill. It removes coverage rather than addressing the underlying problems, such as access and affordability. That is why virtually all health care and patient advocacy organizations will oppose the latest draft of this bill. Patients and those who care for them deserve better.

No matter where you live, take the time to call your senators before September 30. (AFSCME has a click to call form you can use).

Update: As of Friday, September 22, Republican senators Lisa Murkowski of Alaska (on the left) and Susan Collins of Maine (center) have yet to announce their positions. Senator John McCain of Arizona announced today he will oppose Graham-Cassidy. Senator Rand Paul has also indicated he will vote against the bill, leaving Murkowski or Collins as the final no vote that would end the chances for Republicans to pass Graham-Cassidy. However, the Senate may still revisit the issue at any time until October 1 at the lower, 50-vote threshold for passing repeal legislation.