
Corona Nurses Hold Hospital Accountable: CEO Metcalfe is Gone

August 2013

Corona RNs have stood strong together. We have taken collective action and spoken up in a loud voice against problems at our hospital under CEO Kevan Metcalfe, including the recent closure of the pediatrics unit.

Metcalfe has lost the backing of the community, and now he has "resigned." Thank you to the Corona community for standing with the nurses and standing up for pediatrics.

CEOs come and go. We, the nurses, are the backbone of the hospital. We must continue to stand strong together and speak up for our patients.

What We Can Expect Now

Corona is still controlled from King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. Now we can expect a slick, smooth-talking new CEO who will try to make nice with us, the nurses.

He'll throw Metcalfe under the bus and try to earn our trust. Then he'll tell us we should decertify our union.

We know better. No matter who the CEO is, his strings are still pulled from King of Prussia.

No matter who the CEO is, we the RNs of Corona need our union, so we can stand strong together for a collective voice in our hospital.

For more information, download a leaflet here.