
Corona Bargaining Continues

January 2015

Corona Registered Nurses: Join us for bargaining this month!

January 27, 28 and 29
Ayres Hotel (6th St.) Newport Room
1900 Frontage Road, Corona CA
9:00 am

Our bargaining team will present several proposals to management, including wages, benefits and PTO. Our attendance and active participation in bargaining is vital to our success.

Thanks to all of the Corona nurses for coming out to our GMM Meeting. It was a huge success!

Please sign up and confirm your attendance with a bargaining team member. You can call or text UNAC/UHCP staff representatives Thor Causing at 909-784-9739 or Penny Brown at 909-263-9198.

Future Bargaining Dates
February 24, 25 and 26
March 9 and 24, 25 and 26