Convention Delegates Navigate Into the Future
October 2008
More than 500 nurses, physician assistants, and optometrists from across Southern California gathered together to celebrate UNAC/UHCP’s 33rd Biennial Convention, held at the beautiful Beverly Hilton hotel in Beverly Hills, California October 5 to 8. Representing 16,000 UNAC/UHCP members, delegates and alternates debated constitutional changes, elected state officers, learned new skills to make them more effective leaders—and had a lot of fun!
Delegates weighed in on the 14 proposed amendments to the UNAC/UHCP Constitution, addressing important matters such as the union retiree benefit. They voted to increase the union retiree benefit from $200 after three years of membership to $500 after five years of membership. This benefit is for all union members in good standing retiring from a UNAC-represented facility.
Delegates also re-elected Executive Vice President Ken Deitz, RN, and State Treasurer Delima MacDonald, RN. Nominations from the delegation floor made the Board of Directors race quite exciting, as the number of nominees increased from two to eight members seeking these all-important seats. Board of Directors incumbents Pamela Brodersen, an RNP at Kaiser Bellflower, and Asela Omilig-Espiritu, an RN at Kaiser Orange County, were re-elected to their posts. The newest addition to the Board of Directors is Cindy Klein, RN, Kaiser Riverside clinic co-chair.
Vital local, state, and national topics were broached in the continuing education workshops, where UNAC/UHCP members raised important questions about staffing ratios, health care reform, technology and health care, running an effective PEOPLE program, and how to be an effective leader. With business concluded, members cut loose on the dance floor after the closing banquet, where many members and UNAC/UHCP staff were recognized for their ongoing commitment and service to those they represent. Recognition also went to UNAC/UHCP President Kathy Sackman, RN, who received an award in recognition of her 35 years of commitment and service to UNAC/UHCP members.