
Convention Business: Elections and Amendments

November 2014

Along with the great comradery, speakers and actions, convention delegates accomplished the Union’s business. They overwhelmingly re-elected Ken Deitz, RN, as President and Charmaine Morales, RN, as Secretary. From 11 candidates for four seats on the Board of Directors, they elected Jacqueline Asfall, RN, Teresa Alcala, RN, Gerard Corros, RN and re-elected Scott Byington, RN, who join Pam Brodersen, NP, Cindy Klein, RN, and Belinda Redding, RN on the full Board. Former Board member Mary Cavanaugh, OD, was appointed to UNAC/UHCP Parliamentarian with the approval of the Board of Directors following the election. The union thanks the outgoing Board of Directors, Mary Cavanaugh, OD; Tim Uliasz, RN; Helen Bouman, RN and outgoing Paliamentarian, Lisa Demidovich, Esq., for their many years of dedicated service to the members of UNAC/UHCP.

In other union business, delegates passed an amendment to our constitution changing the date for newly elected officers to assume their duties from the next January 1 to immediately upon certification of their election.