We Continue to Fight for Safe Staffing and Our Patients
January 2018
A large delegation of caregivers raised urgent concerns with Medical Center CEO Kenn MacFarland and hospital administration for the second time in two weeks on Wednesday, January 17. We took a collective stand for our patients. Our goal continues to be a critical dialogue and a real solution to the following issues:
1. Short staffing
2. Missed meals and breaks
3. Inadequate ancillary staffing
4. Inadequate working equipment and supplies
The lack of real action on these issues continues to put us and our patients at risk.
The CEO's response to our concerns was the same as the explanation we were given fourteen days ago. Our patients deserve action—not more excuses. As patient advocates, we are committed to being involved in the resolution of these issues.
Our unity pushed the CEO to request a meeting to discuss a comprehensive plan to ensure we can provide quality patient care. We pressed for a meeting as soon as possible, given the serious current situation. The CEO agreed and committed to setting a date in the very near future.