
Chino RN Bargaining Update: Milk Costs the Same in Chino

September 2012

Chino RN Bargaining Update: September 13, 2012

Management came to bargaining on Thursday, September 13 proposing to eliminate current benefits that RNs enjoy today, including the ability to cash out PTO at any point. Click here for the list of management’s proposed takeaways.

Our bargaining team stood firm and told management that we will not agree to take away benefits and that our Union is about trying to make improvements for nurses. Click here for the list of takeaways.

Management stated that RNs at Chino should not be paid what other RNs get because our hospital is in Chino. Our team calmly explained to management that “Milk, gas, insurance, food cost the same no matter where you live,” and if management raised the standards for nurses there might not be such a high turnover rate every two years. Just look around your own unit to see how many people have come and gone!

Management’s proposal shows a clear lack of respect for our work. All the work that we’ve done to make Chino a good hospital is clearly not being appreciated.